
Research breakthrough: A single-cell atlas of healthy breast tissue

Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is an evolving technology used to explain the cellular architecture of adult organs. Previous scRNA-seq on breast tissue utilized reduction mammoplasty samples, which are often histologically abnormal.

Investigators from across Indiana University found a rapid tissue collection/processing protocol to perform scRNA-seq of breast biopsies of healthy women and identified 23 clinically relevant breast epithelial cell clusters.

Full-Text Article PubMed

4932 women who have donated breast tissue

108 manuscripts published using KTB samples or data

213 researcher projects

Researcher Spotlights: Jenny Cui

Since 2007, the Komen Tissue Bank has collected donors’ self-reported medical history and data generated from research performed with samples donated by more than 9,000 women. Jenny Cui, the KTB’s data analyst, can wrangle all that information into accessible, eye-opening reports.

This example shows the mutations carried by our KTB donors’ (such as BRCA 1, BRCA 2, or CHEK2) and the donors’ self-reported race as compared to the results of the genetic testing of their samples:

Jenny and her dedication to increasing KTB data visualization have brought an entirely new understanding of our data and its importance.

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I don’t have any personal connections to breast cancer yet. I hate that I had to write yet at the end of that sentence. I’m here today so there won’t be anyone else writing yet.

Anonymous — Tissue Donor

Team Science: KTB’s Research Leadership

Michele Côté

Executive Director

Meet Our Director

Jill Henry

Chief Operating Officer

Meet Our COO

Hari Nakshatri, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer

Meet Dr. Nakshatri

About the Susan G. Komen Tissue Bank

The Komen Tissue Bank is the only repository in the world for normal breast tissue and matched serum, plasma, and DNA. We are transforming breast cancer research by offering normal, high-quality, richly annotated tissue samples to scientists worldwide.

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