Communication Resources

Resources to bridge the gaps

The Cancer Care Road Map Project team is pleased to provide immediate access to the Goal Activity and share information about resources under development.

The resources were developed for people like you. Please let us know what you think after you learn about or try the resource. With your help, the team can improve and develop new resources.

Our goal is more than just disclosing information. We need to teach people how to use information to navigate and cope with cancer.

Larry Cripe, MD — Hematologist and Founder, Cancer Care Road Map Project

The Patient & Caregiver Goal Activity

It’s difficult to think and talk about our values and goals. Often there is no “right” choice. Maybe there’s a lack of solid evidence. Perhaps the potential benefits and harms are interpreted very differently. When patients and clinicians aren’t able to talk openly, the treatment plan may not truly reflect what matters. 

To address this gap, the Patient & Caregiver Goal Activity allows patients and their loved ones to identify, evaluate the importance of, and then communicate their most important goals.

Evaluate your goals

The Goal Activity will present you with a deck of cards with a goal statement on each. These statements were developed with people like you and clinicians. Using the slider bar, you’ll register how important the statement is to your cancer care.

Communicate your goals

You may print a graphic summary of your evaluations that you can bring to your next meeting with your cancer care team. Or share it with your loved ones. You can compare goals. 

Please note: The Goal Activity will not store your answers. After you complete the process, you’ll be able to print or download a report.

For Patients For Caregivers

[The Goal Activity] forces you to think through where you might be, want to be, could be, and who you want to be involved.

Participant Enrolled in Pre-Pilot Study

Mind Map Activity

The goal of the Mind Map Activity is to create an interactive digital interface that reveals the way in which the oncologist evaluates and compares the available treatment options in terms of their potential benefits and harms.

Interactive digital images may overcome the limits of language. The Mind Map will be an innovative digital and interactive visual display. Essential information will be displayed in ways that allow evaluation and comparison of treatment and care options.

The Mind Map Activity resource is currently under development.

Connect with the Cancer Care Road Map team

Learn more about the Road Map for people with cancer, caregivers, clinicians, and researchers.

Mailing address:

Indiana Cancer Pavilion, Suite 473
535 Barnhill Drive, RT 473
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5289

Email Us Support Our Research