Do you have a heart for volunteering? You will find it very rewarding to work side by side with like-minded people on the journey to find a cure for breast cancer.
The Komen Tissue Bank holds two to three breast tissue collection events each year. While we will almost always hold at least one event each year here in Indianapolis, we are also committed to regularly scheduling collection events in other cities whose populations are made up of higher percentages of minorities.
Your involvement is a key to our success
Volunteering with KTB: A look inside
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.More KTB volunteer videos
Donating breast tissue is something that I can do beyond writing a check to declare my commitment to be a positive influence on the quest to eradicate breast cancer.
Anonymous — Tissue Donor

About the Susan G. Komen Tissue Bank
The Komen Tissue Bank is the only repository in the world for normal breast tissue and matched serum, plasma, and DNA. We are transforming breast cancer research by offering normal, high-quality, richly annotated tissue samples to scientists worldwide.

This Komen Tissue Bank website earned a bronze award in the responsive website design category in the 2024 Digital Health Awards competition.