Each year, lung cancer kills more people than colorectal, pancreas, and breast cancer — the second-, third-, and fourth-leading cancer killers — combined. Those deaths can mostly be attributed to smoking. According to America’s Health Rankings 2023, 16.2 percent of Hoosiers smoke, ranking the state near the bottom of all states at 42nd place because of the significant number of smokers. Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death.
Our Initiative
Indiana’s 1st mobile lung screening program to bring life-saving care to eligible Hoosiers

Indiana's first mobile lung screening program, which includes a 40-foot truck with a CT scanner, is bringing life-saving lung screenings directly to Hoosiers across the state. The program will offer a convenient and accessible way to detect lung cancer early, when it is most treatable.
Lung cancer is the No. 1 cause of cancer-related death in men and women – by far.

Yet, it wasn’t that long ago that lung cancer was a rare diagnosis. It wasn’t until the beginning of the second half of the 20th century that more people were diagnosed with lung cancer. We can make it a rare diagnosis again.
We can achieve that by eliminating tobacco use in Indiana, maximizing the benefits of low-dose CT scans for screening, and making it possible for everyone to have access to a high-quality clinical trial.
2025 Sponsorship Opportunities
End Lung Cancer Now is looking for sponsors interested in supporting the mission of prevention, screening, research, and advocacy. As a sponsor, you would become an integral part of shaping the initiative to be an incredibly impactful force to help us end lung cancer now. There are multiple opportunities to get involved in 2025.
It’s time to end lung cancer
Together with advocates like Elyse, our End Lung Cancer Now initiative boldly sets out to turn the tide against this disease—eliminating tobacco use, screening all eligible Hoosiers with low-dose CT scans, and dramatically increasing participation in lung cancer research.
Explore our goals

Because tobacco products cause 80% to 90% of lung cancer and more than 1 million Hoosiers still smoke daily, End Lung Cancer Now seeks to eliminate tobacco use in Indiana. Strategies to eliminate tobacco use include embedding advocates in prevention efforts at the youth level, working within existing organizations, and working with the IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center on tobacco reduction programs.
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Low-dose CT scans significantly reduce mortality through early diagnosis of lung cancer, but less than 10% of those eligible participate in screenings. End Lung Cancer Now seeks to maximize low-dose CT scans by integrating advocates into local programs and addressing statewide efforts, promoting advocacy within the community and government, and integrating lung cancer screening with other screening and prevention programs.
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Clinical trials
Advances in treatments come from clinical trials, yet less than 5% of patients participate. End Lung Cancer Now seeks to increase enrollment in clinical trials by educating the public and advocates on the benefits of research through increased awareness about recent advances in lung cancer research and dispelling myths about and reducing barriers to clinical research participation, with special attention to under-represented populations.
Our mission is to educate and empower community advocates to eliminate tobacco use in Indiana, screen all eligible Hoosiers with low-dose CT scans, and to dramatically increase participation in lung cancer research.

Our vision is to end the suffering and death from lung cancer in Indiana

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