Navigating Cancer Care

Cancer doesn’t come with a road map. What if it did?

You are not alone if you have found yourself wondering: What do I do now? Do I have a choice? What questions do I have? What questions should I have? What should I expect?

To help people like you, the Cancer Care Road Map project team is developing innovative interactive digital resources so you can navigate from the time of diagnosis and treatment through survivorship or end-of-life care.

Our goal is to transform the way patients and oncologists communicate by offering you more control in what is discussed, when, and why.

I was afraid to ask, but I needed answers so I could help the doctors and nurses help me and so I could prepare my family.

Patient Participant — Focus Group

Mission and team

The Cancer Care Road Map project is led by a multidisciplinary team of doctors, researchers, and web experts. Our goal is to transform patient oncologist communication by developing, testing, and making widely available innovative graphical interactive digital resources.

Learn More

People with cancer help us test every feature and participate in pilot studies for new projects. We also work closely with frontline care teams to confirm that results are valuable and useful.

Connect with the Cancer Care Road Map team

Learn more about the Road Map for people with cancer, caregivers, clinicians, and researchers.

Mailing address:

Indiana Cancer Pavilion, Suite 473
535 Barnhill Drive, RT 473
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5289

Email Us Support Our Research