Curing cancer through transdisciplinary research
At IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center, we know that finding a cure depends on a broad range of innovative basic, clinical, and translational research.
At IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center, we know that finding a cure depends on a broad range of innovative basic, clinical, and translational research.
From exploring molecular changes to developing targeted therapies to addressing global health disparities, our collaborative research centers are making protocol-defining discoveries that influence treatments and save lives.
Our multidisciplinary research collaborations make “bench-to-bedside” medicine happen—every patient, every day.
Transforming treatment for cancer and neurodegenerative disorders
At the Brown Center for Immunotherapy, Huda Salman, MD, leads a team determined to defeat cancer—and other debilitating conditions—using the body’s innate defenses.
IU has been instrumental in improving cancer care in Kenya. Now, our new Center for Global Oncology aims to expand that vision.
A vibrant research community targeting hard-to-treat breast cancers
The Vera Bradley Foundation Center is home to our multidisciplinary team of physicians and scientists who are pushing the boundaries of modern medicine to spread hope and find a cure.
Taking on lung cancer from every angle
The new Tom and Julie Wood Center for Lung Cancer Research is focused on on improving lung cancer prevention efforts, detecting lung cancer earlier and developing personalized therapy to improve the standard of care for lung cancer treatments.
Sharing space with folks who are experts in their fields, who are willing to share their knowledge, always leads to quality connections and fruitful discoveries.
Mark Kelley, PhD — Associate Director of Basic Science Research
In 2018, a gift from the Walter Cancer Foundation spurred the creation of a unique program that helps patients and their families manage the symptoms, pain and stress that accompany a cancer diagnosis.
Through the dedication of program director Jim Cleary, MD, we’re now a leader in the emerging field of supportive oncology—and we’re building on that success with even more collaborative research and patient advocacy.
Using emerging technologies/equipment and computational tools, this multidisciplinary team is expanding accessible molecular space and drug development capabilities.
The incredible efforts of our collaborative research teams depend on the generosity of our supporters. To learn how your contribution can help, visit our Giving section, or connect with our development team.