Global Oncology

Clinical Care

Having been a witness to many advances in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer has been a privilege, but having seen firsthand the disparities of cancer outcomes in SSA has been eye opening. For example, cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in Kenya, but it does not even make the top 10 list of deadliest cancers in the United States. This is particularly poignant as it is completely preventable with HPV vaccination. In the United States, 80% of children with cancer are cured, but in stark contrast, only 10% of children with cancer in SSA survive. Yet, with modest interventions, we have dramatically improved the standard of care for these vulnerable children. Terry Vik, MD, has been at the forefront of work in Kenya that has improved the cure rate of Burkitt lymphoma in children there from about 5% to nearly 60%.

Terry Vik, MD

IU cancer research leaders have long been respected nationwide for their ability to create impactful, enduring partnerships. They founded the Hoosier Oncology Group (now the Hoosier Cancer Research Network) which facilitated clinical trials across Indiana. They were also instrumental in the creation of the Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium, which links NCI-designated cancer centers throughout the country. And now, the Center for Global Oncology is another example of the cancer center extending its influence to the far reaches of the world.

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