Donate Normal Breast Tissue

About tissue donation

Cancer patients and their families and friends have been actively participating in fundraising and awareness campaigns for many years. Collecting specimens from men and women who have had breast cancer and from those who have not had breast cancer enables these donors to give a gift to science that is unprecedented.

Even though these donors will not benefit directly from their donation of tissue, they are providing an invaluable resource to enable research to maximize its potential today and in generations to come.

The Susan G. Komen® Tissue Bank at the IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center (Komen Tissue Bank, or KTB) holds two to three breast tissue collection events each year. At least one event each year is held in the Indianapolis area, and another one in a different U.S. city, usually chosen because of high or concentrated diverse populations.

We thank you for having an interest in donating your breast tissue; the value of your gift will be immeasurable.

Next tissue donation event:

April 26, 2025, in Indianapolis

Thank you!

The Komen Tissue Bank (KTB) thanks those who have selflessly donated breast tissue or blood or given of their time to help find a cure for breast cancer.

The KTB, the only repository in the world for normal breast tissue and matched serum, plasma and DNA, continues its commitment to studying normal tissue with the ultimate goal of curing breast cancer.

Please access our event fliers for sharing or additional information:
Women  Men  Indigenous  Adults under 40

Minority Recruitment Booklets:
English  Spanish  Simplified Chinese  Traditional Chinese

This was such a great experience to help move forward the area of cancer research. I will encourage every woman to donate!

Priya — Tissue Donor

About the Susan G. Komen Tissue Bank

The Komen Tissue Bank is the only repository in the world for normal breast tissue and matched serum, plasma, and DNA. We are transforming breast cancer research by offering normal, high-quality, richly annotated tissue samples to scientists worldwide.

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