Why People of Color Should Care About the KTB

Cancer researchers need your help

To study why these racial and ethnic breast cancer disparities exist, researchers need to have access to breast tissue from Black and Brown people. To find out exactly what it means for you to participate, please feel free to read and/or print our minority recruitment booklet in your choice of language below. This booklet is the result of research conducted by the KTB.


Please access our event fliers for sharing or additional information:
Women  Men  Indigenous  Adults under 40

Minority Recruitment Booklets:
English  Spanish  Simplified Chinese  Traditional Chinese

About the Susan G. Komen Tissue Bank

The Komen Tissue Bank is the only repository in the world for normal breast tissue and matched serum, plasma, and DNA. We are transforming breast cancer research by offering normal, high-quality, richly annotated tissue samples to scientists worldwide.

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