Conversations About Race

In response to the protests and racial unrest this summer, the KTB team came together as colleagues and as “family” and have started “Conversations on Race”, a series wherein the team gathers monthly to discuss a focused topic culled from many different media. The tumultuous summer with the resulting emotional upheaval surrounding our racial unrest made it important for the KTB family to come together and focus on communication of our feelings and expanding our knowledge and awareness. We felt it important to delve deeper into the discussion of race and racial equity. We began in August by discussing From the Avenue: A Memoir by Thomas Howard Ridley Jr. We were honored to have Mr. Ridley Jr. attend our discussion to talk more about his experience of being Black in Indianapolis. We also watched and discussed the movie Marshall and the documentary 13th. We ended the year by absorbing and dissecting two articles about reparations and racial discrimination in China. 2021 began by tackling the civil rights era bestseller Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin. The monthly discussions have allowed us to explore new information for some and express our feelings about the racial divide that continues in this country. Our group has been able to grow and learn to deal with our feelings while having a supportive and open environment to express ourselves. This has been a valuable way to not only stay in touch with each other but to confront important race issues in a safe place.