Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Every Hoosier should live a full life free of cancer. 

It’s an amazing, achievable goal. At IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center, our investigators are asking bold questions and making milestone discoveries to prove #ResearchCuresCancer. And we never forget that we can prevent cancer, too.

It takes a community to keep the science going, increase the awareness of cancer risks, and encourage screening for early detection. Our partners, collaborators, and volunteers are helping us make a cancer-free future happen.



Coach Chuck Pagano's captivating and resilient battle with leukemia has inspired many through his Chuckstrong initiative, and has generated $15.5 million for IU cancer research since 2013.

It all began shortly after Pagano, who was the head coach of the Indianapolis Colts from 2012 to 2017, publicly shared his leukemia diagnosis in 2012. The Colts immediately sprang into action and launched the Chuckstrong initiative.

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Race to Beat Cancer

Advancements in cancer detection, prevention and treatment are happening at a record pace. And much of the work being done to push this important work forward is happening right here at the IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center. You can count on us to be your dedicated racing team when it comes to keeping cancer out of the winner’s circle.

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