Our laboratory currently focuses on the functions of steroid hormones, including their precursors and receptors in prostate cancer and related diseases. Specifically, the core areas of study in our lab include but are not limited to the following topics:
1. GR pathway in supraphysiologic androgen therapy in antiandrogen-resistant prostate cancer
2. Corticosteroids in prostate cancer
3. 11β-HSD2 in prostate cancer
4. The inactivation of steroid hormone receptors in normal physiology and diseases
To achieve the aims of our projects, we will collaborate with worldwide laboratories and integrate all the resources from the state-of-art research core facilities in Notre Dame and CTSI, utilize a variety of cutting-edge approaches, such as CRISPR/Cas9 knockout and activation screening, genome editing, fluorescence imagines, Cryo-electron microscopy, small molecule library screening, Mass spectrometry proteomics, Transgenic, and knockout mouse, etc.
Post-doctoral Fellowship - Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH 07/2021
Ph.D. - Fudan University, Shanghai, China 07/2013