I am an assistant research professor in the department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine from Nov. 2023. Before moving to IU, I was a post-doctoral researcher at University of Pennsylvania till Oct. 2023. During my post-doctoral experience, I was working on prognostic stratification of glioblastoma patients from H&E-stained whole slide images (which I am continuing even now) in an unsupervised way to understand the tissue morphology. Our another approach for stratification involves integration of imaging data and clinical information along with interpretability mechanism to understand the underlying patterns of prognostic relevance. Apart from this, I was lead organizer of the Brain Tumor Sequence Registration (BraTS-Reg) challenge in conjunction with ISBI 2022 and MICCAI 2022 conferences, which focused on establishing correspondence between pre-operative and follow-up MRI. Along with continuation of my research in computational pathology, I am currently also exploring the field of spatial transcriptomics which allows the analysis of spatially resolved gene expressions to enable better understanding of the tumor microenvironment and heterogeneity. Specifically, I am working towards development of computational algorithms for spatial transcriptomics in collaboration with a dermatopathologist who has already acquired data for few patients.
Post-doctoral Fellowship - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 2021-2023
Ph.D. - Center of Excellence in Signal & Image Processign, SGGSIET, India 2015-2020