This pilot study focuses on an intervention (freelisting) designed to elicit supportive oncology communication intentions among the patient-caregiver-provider triad prior to an outpatient oncology encounter. The goal is to shape communication behaviors during the encounter to improve outcomes of the encounter.
Inclusion Criteria:
* patients will:
1. be adult women with an incurable gynecologic cancer (i.e., evidence of refractory/progressive disease after first-line treatment or recurrent disease),
2. not be receiving specialty palliative care or hospice,
3. read/speak English, and
4. be able to provide written informed consent.
* caregivers will:
1. identify as the individual who is primarily involved in the patient's care,
2. be able to attend the oncology encounter,
3. read/speak English, and
4. be able to provide written informed consent.
* providers will:
1. specialize in gynecologic oncology, and
2. provide outpatient care at IUSCCC gynecologic oncology clinic.
Exclusion Criteria:
patients and/or caregivers will be excluded if either one or both demonstrate:
1. cognitive impairment, or
2. speech/hearing difficulties precluding participation.
Other Female Genital