Inclusion Criteria:
1. Kenyan women who present for a cervical cancer screening at AMPATH-cervical cancer screening clinics at MTRH or Webuye and living in or within 30 km of the respective clinic at the time of informed consent
2. Between the ages of 18 -45 years old at the time of informed consent
3. Ability to provide written informed consent and HIPAA authorization
4. Must have a normal VIA
5. Must be willing and able to come to the clinic for visits and return for a 4 year follow-up visit
Exclusion Criteria:
1. History of an abnormal VIA or Pap smear
2. Diagnosis of CIN or cervical cancer
3. Signs or symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection (STI)
4. Women who are currently pregnant
5. Inability to understand and provide written informed consent due to a mental or physical disability, or a medical illness that has rendered the patient unable to understand consent or attend quarterly visits
Other Female Genital