This is a randomized, attention control clinical trial to compare MBSR to support and education on biobehavioral outcomes in early-stage (0-III) post-treatment cancer survivors with clinically-significant CRF. The study will use quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate the following:
Primary Aim 1: Determine effect size estimates of MBSR compared to attention control in reducing fatigue interference and the severity of several cancer-related symptoms immediately post-intervention and at 6-month follow-up.
Exploratory Aim 1: To identify potential moderators of intervention effects in breast cancer survivors (BCS) and colorectal cancer survivors (CRCS), such as demographic, clinical/disease characteristics, personality traits, and baseline mindfulness level.
Exploratory Aim 2: To compare levels of a number of anti- and pro-inflammatory proteins present in blood and urine between MBSR and attention control groups immediately post-intervention and 6-month follow-up, and between fatigued and non-fatigued breast cancer survivors at baseline.
Inclusion Criteria for breast cancer participants:
* be age 18 or older
* live in the Indianapolis region
* have an established first-time diagnosis of non-metastatic (stages 0-III) breast cancer treated with chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy
* be in good general health (self-report)
* have clinically-significant CRF (Fatigue Symptom Inventory \[FSI severity composite ≥ 4\]) that has persisted for the previous 8 weeks or longer.
Inclusion Criteria for colorectal cancer participants:
* be age 18 or older
* live in the Indianapolis region
* have an established diagnosis of colorectal cancer (any stage)
* in treatment currently or previously with chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy
* have clinically-significant CRF (Fatigue Symptom Inventory \[FSI severity composite ≥ 4) that has persisted for the previous 8 weeks or longer.
Exclusion Criteria for breast cancer participants:
* cancer treatment (chemotherapy, biologic response modifiers, radiation therapy, or surgery) in prior 3 months or \> 5 years ago (endocrine therapy for breast cancer is allowed)
* enrollment in hospice care
* severe depression (PHQ-8 ≥ 20)
* past participation in a mindfulness meditation class and/or having an established/ongoing meditation practice
Exclusion Criteria for colorectal cancer participants:
* enrollment in hospice care
* severe depression (PHQ-8 ≥ 20)
* past participation in a mindfulness meditation class and/or having an established/ongoing meditation practice
A non-fatigued group of post-treatment BCS will also be enrolled in order to compare baseline levels of all biomarkers and all self-reported psychosocial measures between fatigued and non-fatigued BCS.
Inclusion criteria for non-fatigued BCS participants
* being age 18 or older
* having an established first-time diagnosis of non-metastatic (stage 0-III) breast cancer
* being in good general health (self-reported)
* having FSI severity composite scores of ≤ 2
Exclusion criteria for non-fatigued BCS participants
* cancer treatment (chemotherapy, biologic response modifiers, radiation therapy, or surgery) in prior 3 months or \> 5 years ago (endocrine therapy for breast cancer is allowed)
* enrollment in hospice care
* severe depression (PHQ-8 ≥ 20)
Small Intestine